get into college2. Fact: Universities Are Businesses.
Despite the vibe that academic institutions present, no university or college could keep their doors open without cash flow. Of course, learning is the top priority, but keeping money coming in is a close second that no one seems to want to admit. Did you know that the poorest Ivy League college could operate for years solely on alumni donations? Yes, that’s right, without a nickel of tuition or application fees. Of course, universities and colleges have a right to and should collect money for the services that they provide. However, it is worth noting that they have a very sustainable business model—keep the customers happy while they are under your watch, and they will look out for you for a lifetime.
So what does this mean to you as an applicant?
It means that your essay should recognize the college’s priorities in how you present yourself and your goals. In the next volume of Keys to the CASTLE we discuss how to prepare for writing your college admissions essays in greater detail.
Also, think about what you may have to offer—not just today, but over the course of your life. What are you passionate about and how could that serve your community while you are on campus and after you graduate? Are you the type who believes in giving back, and have you done so to date? I hope so. I started volunteering when I was 11 years old at the local senior center and never stopped volunteering for groups that I belong to and in the communities where I reside. It opens your eyes, and I highly recommend it.