Testimonial Reel

This example maximizes audio visual aspect of video by allowing the viewer to see footage from three different videos and hear from three different former clients.

P: Plan. Produce.

There is a common joke in the motion picture industry about how challenging it is to work with kids and animals because of a lack of predictability, so by showcasing work featuring both animals and children, it demonstrates range and management skills. All of the footage was shot on location, requiring knowledge of how to draft and negotiate with venues as well as manage production crews. You cannot have a cast and crew lined up for direction without being organized and that requires a strong focus during pre-production, the planning stage of video production.

A: Audit. Make Accessible.

It was challenging to narrow down which video clips to include and I decided to go against the norm and not have imagery that matched the voice over until the third testimonial. I wanted to showcase action shots to move along the video and demonstrate my shooting and editing skills.

I included a transcript for those using screen readers in accordance with W3C standards for accessibility.

R: Revise. Reinvent.

Since it is a highlight reel, it is basically a work of editing found footage or existing video presented in a new way.

T: Teach. Touch.

Viewers can learn by watching. The voice over is calm and reassuring but the imagery aims to excite the viewer with fast-paced (horse racing), friendly, and informative (plastic surgery).

Use my knowledge of different learning styles:

Although most Boomers are aural learners, most people under 60 are visual kinetic learners (Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z). So the video is interactive on top of providing visual and auditory information.

Empowered, the viewer transforms into an active user and can navigate at will with an interactive chapters feature; after all, most ads are now 15 seconds online and 5 seconds on mobile, so I did not want people to feel antsy watching a full minute.

Instead of end credits, there are clickable buttons that allow the viewer to visit the websites of the locations featured and organizations represented by the speakers in the voice over track. *[Note: the educational aspect of edutainment]

There is also a clickable button to written testimonials for those who want to read more. (Yes, some people still read, especially Boomers).

Written transcripts (to meet accessibility guidelines)

Mary Farrell 0:02
Hello, my name is Mary Farrell and I’m the branch manager of the Lakeview Branch Library Kamala Appel, recorded members of our community in a video. It’s something that we use often to promote our library are very thankful that she did such a wonderful job; very professional work.

Larry Yamasaki 0:21
My name is Larry Yamasaki of the Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley. I found Kamala to be very professional. Her turnaround time was quick and the final product was excellent.

Dr. Elliot Lavey 0:32
Hello, this is Dr. Elliot Lavey. Kamala did a videotape for my website. She was a pleasure to work with the results was very professional and appropriate. Kamala is creative and efficient. I would refer her highly and without reservations.

Next Case: Sea Sermon Mini Doc