DO the following:1. Understand the Definition of “Well-Rounded”
I have seen many students make the mistake of confusing being well-rounded with overly busy and booked. It is good to experiment. I think it is important to be open to trying new things, even if you do not think you would like it, or if you are not naturally good at it.
With that said, if you are involved with too many activities, you run the risk of coming across as someone who cannot commit to anything and probably does not excel at anything. Keep in mind that academics at the top private colleges are much more challenging than at high school, so you may have to devote more time to studying and, as it follows, have less time for so many activities. So choose what fires you up now. It may benefit you later.
I did—and as a result, I ended up playing volleyball for 20 years and making fitness a regular part of my life that I enjoy. I never was good at sports and only attended my first training camp because a friend did not want to go alone. However, I improved enough to play in college and later become a college-level coach- so anything is possible.
I was also reluctant to pursue my studies of film and eventually my career in film. Now I have my own production company, and I am a member of one of the Hollywood guilds. I hesitated because I thought a creative field was too impractical, and to a degree that is true, but it is my passion.
And neither of these activities were part of my original academic program.